Minutes of the Meeting
Newbury media committee 8 August 2012
Attendance: Paul Daubitz, Richard Hendrickson, Dave Mountain
Meeting called to order at 7:06 PM
The internet access upgrade was discussed . The towns IT Consultant is order in the service from Comcast. Paul Daubitz or Richard Hendrickson will contact the Town’s IT consultant Matt Deane Re: when the Internet Access upgrade is scheduled.
The need for an electric outlet and internet access under Meeting the table in Town Hall was discussed. Richard Hendrickson will talk to the Town Administrator about the details.
Richard also mentioned that a licensed electrician will be required for any electrical work other than low voltage.
Comcast’s requirements to activate the channels was discussed. Richard Hendrickson said that we comply.
The group discussed which Town committees/boards we should contact regarding which boards wish to have their meetings broadcast. Paul Daubitz said that he talked to the Assessors and they would be interested in presenting educational programs about what the Assessors do and what they are about.
It was mentioned that there will be a Special Town Meeting in November which ideally would be televised either live or taped and aired later.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm
Respectfully submitted, Paul Daubitz